Incredible Hulk Skin by [BoA]Mr_WhiTe [AKA SniPeRBUnNy] ============================================= Installation : Unzip the contents of this file into your HalfLife/Valve/Models/Player/hulk folder. Then simply select the skin from the Multi
=================================== Skin Name : Hitler Directory : /hitler Author : DoLLaR [Jordan Butters] Model : GMan Time : 45 Mins E-Mail : Homepage : www.stormfront.arecool.n
OK, um, hi. My name's James Brust, and when I deathmatch, I call myself Jewish Pete (after the big-nosed smiley emoticon I used to pretend to argue with). My e-mail
Gibbed player skin for Half-Life ======================= Gibbed is my first attempt at a player skin for Half-Life, based on the Gordon model. He's had a rough day, but Gibby's not down for the count yet! He sports nicely exposed glistening o