Title: Operation Retribution, beta maps opr1a1-opr1a?.**NOTE** These maps are not complete, they will be updated as needed. Check the Operation Retribution website for the latest versions: SoBek.cjb.netSvenCoop: (http://come.to/half-l
Title Sublevel SlaughterFilename Sublevel_Slaughter.bspAuthor [WTF?]HuenberryEmail address heathaustinhill@netscape.netWebsite http://sites.netscape.net/heathaustinhill/hahmdDescription Fast paced if enough play
Keep of the Overseer--------------------Author: Biscuit.man@virgin.netDate : 4th Feb 2000Editor: Q3Radiant build 181Q3 arena addon level.Put the rich2.pk3 file into your quake3aseq3 directory.
Name: uiarenaVersion 1.1Date: 1/16/00Author: YoGrEEmail: yogre@hotmail.comCredits: id Software for a kickass game and for releasing the game code. Someone from some message board who suggested the idea========