Since the Quake3 game source has not been released for people to make real changes the gameplay, I decided to make a "visual mod" that just adds something new to the game.
How to install: To use this, unzip the contents of this zip file (splatpak9.pk3) to your baseq3 dir in your Quake3 install path (usually c:program filesquake iii arenaaseq3). Then run q
How to install: To use this, unzip the contents of this zip file (splatpak8.pk3) to your baseq3 dir in your Quake3 install path (usually c:program filesquake iii arenaaseq3). Then run q
'Dog Carcass in alley this morning, tire tread on burst stomach. This city is afraid of me. I have seen it's true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains fina
Dawn - Half-Life character - readme.txt March 8, 1999 -------------------------------- Character Stats: polys 646 verts 328 texture 256x256x256 chrome NO animation Half-Life -------------------------------- Charac
Place she'k.pk3 file into the baseq3 folder. Also you may need to create a Baseq3/models/players/she'k if you are having problems seeing the icons in the characters select screen.
December 9, 1999 =====================================