Today I want to show You something fresh here. Yea it's 1st aug tor m4a1 replacement. In game I don't use aug but a lot m4a1 or ak47. 3 days ago I saw teaser of cod:Black ops and there was an aug in players hands. So I just think that I could make one to css. How it looks ?
I know that nobody read these notes so I won't write here to much :D
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF YOU PREFER SMALLER RECOIL OF GUN SHOOT DOWNLOAD THESE UPDATE
and before You complain about these recoil watch few videos on youtube YOUTUBE VIDEO
thanks to teh snake. I'll work to improve these anims
And just a final words.
Critic says "Its unique and awesomely executed idea,exellent aug model,good textures,but ... The animations are pretty well done - they are smooth,realistic,but here's something I've noticed ...
Reload and draw animations are just fine (may be the boltpull in the end of the reload looks tad fake - I think the wrist supposed to move the other way ) . Silencer attach\detach anims were a dissapontment ... I was hoping to see how you actually attach the silencer , not just the weapon lowered instead. As for the shot - this jumping bolt really annoys you all the time. I took my time to see how aug actually works,and convinced that that bolt doesnt move during shooting. You can see it perfectly from this video below . In the end,its incredible work,but I want to rework these details and make this submition of yours perfect. youtube movie Teh Snake is a Skin Critic"
TO-DO LIST in second version of these anims improve reloading anims fix shoot anims rework add/detach silencer anims add some details