Set in a decimated earth civilization, FalloutField, is the result of a planet wide nuclear war that caused an extinction level event (E.L.E.) around the year 2012. The humanoids that buried themselves far underground survived the initial devistation
ONS-MBB-Storage Facility_SE Author:Marcin.B.Black This is fixed version of my Storage Facility. I fixed some bugs and added few things like more boxes and two new corridors and also changed some textures. From things what I have changed it:
Map Name: Island Rock Game Type: ONS Author: Sami "Fira" Bashir Email Address: =============================================================== Credits: EPIC, DE Toni"Scarface"Seifert Eon =====
Description Control the Nodes and attack the opposing team Core on this alien planet. Design A strong environmental goal with realistic terrain and plenty of atmosphere. Winds, meteors, a wide range of plants, and even alien animal roars in the dist
Description Control the Nodes and attack the opposing team Core on this alien planet. This is the day version of ONS-DG-SandStone-Night. The main difference is the change in air vehicles loadout, the skybox and lighting. Design A strong environm
Description: Control the Nodes and attack the opposing team Core on this alien planet. Design: A strong environmental goal with realistic terrain and plenty of atmosphere. Winds, meteors, a wide range of plants, and even alien animal roars in