"Cerro San Tito" is a ancient hill baptized thus for Spanish conquerors in the 15th century created of form natural and far of the urban zone contaminated by the smog, at present it has turned into a tourist place for excursion and rest. The condi
****** ONS-Mercenary Valley ****** A large outdoor Onslaught map with two fortress bases and a meadow landscape. Included vehicles are Raptor, Hellbender, Cicada and Goliath. This is version 1.1 with the fluid surface skin fixed. The constr
A large outdoor Onslaught map with two fortress bases and a meadow landscape. Included vehicles are Raptor, Hellbender, Cicada and Goliath. Additional requirements are ECE Bonuspack or UT2004 Megapack! Credits: Thanks to Sjoerd 'Hourences' De
ONS-MBB-Storage Facility Author:Marcin.B.Black Game mode: Onslaught Players COunt: 6-12 Bot Support:Yes Its my first Onslaught map. For more information on Unreal Tournament 2004, visit
ONS-MBB-Storage Facility_SE Author:Marcin.B.Black This is fixed version of my Storage Facility. I fixed some bugs and added few things like more boxes and two new corridors and also changed some textures. From things what I have changed it:
Map Title: Majestic-ECE Map Author: Steve "BigKid Icarus" Young New Textures: no New Static Meshes: no New Music: yes Construction Time: 1 hour Additional Testing: Jamie Pulido, David Tipps Final Words: Just added in some new veh
This is one of my first maps that i created,Its an ONS map in space,so theres nearly no gravity,you have to control 3 nodes to get to the powernode of the opposite team,there are vehicles and 4 meteorites to play on,this map is perfect for max 8
A new edition of ONS-Maelstrom. Maelstrom features 23 intermediate nodes between the two cores. Each node constructs twice as fast as normal nodes, but are destroyed twice as fast as well. This is a special edition of Maelstrom that has no vehicles,