Excessive is an over the top mod that makes all the weapons superpowerful, turns off self damage, gives all the players regenerating health and ammo, and makes every game into a wild and crazy
I originally installed this with the ZIP VERSION, and It's a good job because this ut4mod doesnt seem to work for me, because it isn't associated with ut2004 and wont run. This happens with quite a
This map is for UT2003, but I tested it for UT2004 and it seems to work fine. This map contains a lot of varied themes, from the Egyptian statues to the futuristic electricity pipes and industrial
All the team-oderin and trash-talkin sounds are back from the original UT. Once installed, go to the PLAYER tab from settings and change the voice to this one.To have bots use it, when adjusting how
[quote] Description: TeamRadar is a mutator for UT2k4 that fixes the radar map by adding the rest of your team and your team\'s empty vehicles to it or adds a radar map to the top