\"This is bascially the same map as Bad Place one with some removal of water and changes to existing water that increase frame rate rates 20-25% on my machine. Had trouble with the BOT AI and
When you kill a person they drop coins you do not score kills instead you have to pickup coins and take them to a drop off point but if someone hits you you lose all your coins you were carrying
\"This map was based on bungies IceFields for halo (PC only) but it looks way different. You who have actually played the original IceFields will probably recognize the overall layout. I created
adds vehicles to DM Vehicle Setting Override - A map actor for UT2004 by the Fraghouse Mod Team (http://fraghouse.beyondunreal.com) ------------------ 1. Installation Here is a root
\"The Tournament was transporting several vehicles between planets when a tournament sponser had the idea of using the large transport ship as a battle area. The simple design of the ship made a
Some changes were made to this new version, here is a list of them: [quote] Version 1.9 - Increased Buggy health. - Special events can happen at OverTime. - New map, CB-PotHoles. - Increased