TheScript4.0 W:ET Class/Spawn/Configs script for ETpro mod Thank you for downloading my newest creation. I have spent many hours working and testing it, and I really hope you will find it useful and enjoy it. This advanced script consist of sev
the main objectives of the map: ALLIED OBJECTIVES: 1. Destroy the transmitter. 2. Protect the Armour and escort it until the front gate is destroyed. 3. Gain a foothold in the front bunker. 4. Set up a Command Post inside the sub pen. 5.
Map Name: mp_temple MP/SW Author: Hitman/] ---------------- Installation: ---------------- Unzip the zip file and place the mp_temple.pk3 in your rtcwmain e.g.: C:Program FilesReturn to Castle WolfensteinMain To load the map do this:
Changes from v1.31: ETPro teamkills are treated as normal now (note the method of death isn't recorded, merely the fact it's a teamkill and who from) Changes from v1.3: Fixed bug in how I decide what is proper round data and what are warmup
A remake of mp_beach, just to add something new to the beach community. ***** Extra route to basement add. And an alternate path around the wall, on the mountain side. And a little secret
VB ET devmap starter .exe w instructions included. for info Author - Erik-Ftn Installation: Unzip & exec vb program
Mult1task 2 ------------------------ ------------------------ Duration: 11 min 10 sec Codec: DivX Thanks for downloading my second movie, I hope you enjoy