instructions for use 1 : extracting/installation - Downloaded and save the files to a temporary folder/location on your system, C:\\temp is typical. - Double click castlekeep.exe, the self
Beta 2 Release -Fixed bug with nametags. Had to change the way fog was made. **mirror had to change** -Changed the lighting outside to be brighter. -Allies now secure the hill top spawn when the root cellar is blown. -Fixed the objectives (sewe
Video footage (#2) from (requires latest version of quicktime to play). This is a highlights clip from the collective campaigns of the free online RTCW tournament where axis and allies battle it out 2 days a week for 12 h
Video footage from (requires latest version of quicktime to play). This is a highlights clip from campaign 5 of the free online RTCW tournament where axis and allies battle it out 2 days a week for 12 hours at a stretch (