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FrostyT\'s NPC List

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-12-21 23:12:00
Jedi Academy....Ateleast..I think it is. But its alot. assassin_droid bartender (runs in place) bespincop bespincop2 cultist (uses e11) cultist_destroyer (self destructs when he sees you) cultist_drain cultist_grip cultist_lightning cultist_saber cultist_saber2 cultist_saber_throw2 cultist_saber_med2 cultist_saber_med_throw2 cultist_saber_strong2 cultist_saber_strong_throw2 cultist_saber_all2 cultist_saber_all_throw2 cultistcommando (double blaster pistol\'s) elder elder2 galak_mech (doesnt have model.Spawns stormtrooper) glider (same as galak) gonk (havn\'t tryed it) gran gran2 granboxer granshooter hazardtrooper hazardtrooperconcusion hazardtrooperofficer human_merc_bow human_merc human_merc_rep human_merc_flc human_merc_cnc human_merc_key impcommander imperial impofficer impworker interrogator jawa jawa_armed (doesn\'t work crashes game) jedi jedif jedi2 jedimaster jeditrainer jedi_random (will spawn the next jedi model\'s on list) jedi_fh1 jedi_hf2 jedi_hm1 jedi_hm2 jedi_kdm1 jedi_kdm2 jedi_rm1 jedi_rm2 jedi_tf1 jedi_tf2 jedi_zf1 jedi_zf2 mark1 (doesn\'t work) mark2 (doesnt work either) merchant minemonster (doesnt work makes stormtrooper) mouse nulldriver player (spawns you) prisoner prisoner2 probe protocol (C3PO) protocol_imp R2D2 R2D2_imp R5D2_npc R5D2_imp rebel rebel2 reborn rebornacrobat (doesnt work) rebornboss rebornchiss rebornfencer (doesnt work) rebornforceuser (doesnt work) rebornrodian reborntrandoshan rebornweequay reborn_dual reborn_dual2 reborn_new reborn_new2 reborn_staff reborn_staff2 Dkothos (didnt test) VKothos (didnt test) RebornMaster RebornMasterdual rebornmasterstaff remote rockettrooper rockettrooper2 rockettrooper2officer rockettrooper_ver1 rocks (stupid) rodian rodian2 saber_droid saber_droid_training saboteur saboteurcommando saboteurpistol saboteursniper sand_creature sand_creature_fast seeker seeker_sp sentry snowtrooper stcommander stofficer stofficeralt stormpilot stormtrooper stormtrooper2 swamptrooper swamptrooper2 tavion tavion_new tavion_scepter tavion_sith_sword trandoshan tusken tuskensniper ugnaught ugnaught2 weequay weequay2 weequay3 weequay4 ragnos luke kyle kyle_boss (i dont see anything different) rosh_penin rosh_penin_noforce rosh_dark rancor mutant_rancor wampa howler shadowtrooper shadowtrooper2 (has a predator looking cloke) alora alora_dual jan lando boba_fett chewie desann galak lannik_racto (the fat guy) rax noghri reelo (havn\'t tested) monmothma morgankatarn (runs in place) Vehicles swoop atst_vehicle lambdashuttle rancor_vehicle swoop_cin swoop_mp swoop_mp2 swoop_red (doesnt work) tauntaun template (doesnt work) tie-bomber tie-fighter wampa_vehicle wildtauntaun x-wing yt-1300 (havn\'t tested) z-95 (havn\'t tested) Hope you like my BIG list of npc\'s. Author:FrostyT[/quote] -XgamerX
FrostyT brings us a nice hardy NPC list. Now I have my own thing of NPCs thanks to a friend and it seems as if he forgot some NPCs, but he has most so who cares. [quote] Heres every NPC from
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