Now, I didn't see the earlier versions of this skin, and I'm not too up to date on my Expanded Universe information, but supposidly here we have a Jedi from such an era by the name of Sora
This skin is almost identical in color scheme to the sith knight except that this is a reskin of the cultist model , the author could have considered releasing them as a pack rather than seperate
There have been many reborn skins these days most of them are simple paint overs and this one is no exception. it is a simple reskin of the reborn new model. The author named it sithknight. just a
Clan skin packs are always fun. I don\'t know why it is that clanners like to take Raven models, make them funky colors, slap a clan logo or text on the back, and call them art. That\'s what we have
This is the extension pack to the clan purple skin pack that was posted a month or so ago and as with the previous one this has a number of purple skins like the clone, pilot , rebel,
Okay... well, this is supposed to be a Chiss Terminator. Sounded really good when I downloaded it to test it out. Then I got a look at the textures. I just have one thing to say... shading. Not much
Reborn reskin! Run for the hills! Just kidding. As far as reborn reskins go, this definitely isn't one of the worst I've seen. I do, however, think this poor reborn needs some fashion sense. Red
This is supposed to be Jan... only a goblin. Now I don\'t consider myself a fantasy expert, so I went to Google to look up goblins to make sure I wasn\'t thinking of trolls or anything like that. My
This is a grey and black version of the shirtless maul skin submitted recently , not many improvements or changes over that skin other than the color of the eyes. there is no bot support team
When the author says you can't view this in ModView, he's right. Half the textures don't even show up. They do in-game, though, but to be honest I'm not impressed with this "3 layer shader" as he