Well, at least he didn't scribble on it with a paintbrush. This reborn reskin - I wouldn't even consider it a reskin, because he didn't SKIN anything - is nothing more than a brightening of the
*Snore... snore... SNORT... snore...* *SNORT - wakes up* Huh? Oh, my... sorry folks, I must has fallen asleep due to the complete and total lack of creativity in these skins. *Brews
Kusanagi reskins seem to be popular lately. This one, though I can tell there are some pretty big differences about it, doesn't [i]feel[/i] different. The face is the same, the hair is still a shade
Oh boy, another black Jawa! I swear I've reviewed at least three of these so far in the last couple of weeks alone. After poking around in photoshop I have come to the conclusion that the author
I don't think I've seen a Rebel Soldier combatant before, and to be honest the skin isn't that bad. The shading could be better, but considering he 'borrowed' the textures directly from Call of Duty,
I feel warm and fuzzy inside to have inspired someone, and even warmer and fuzzier to see that I inspired someone to make something that turned out decent ;). As such, I thought giving him some
I’m a big fan of bounty hunters and bounty hunter skins, and this is no exception. It's a reskin of the default bounty hunter skin that comes with JKA. The screenshots may put you off; the
Here's something fairly new. A Ninja Trando. We don't really see too many Trandoshan skins, so it's nice to see one every now and then. This skin lives up to it's name fairly well. It feels like a
I quote [b]JEDI[/b][i]of[/i][b]ONE[/b]'s review of the previous version: [quote] This is re-skin of the in-game Kyle model. Boko gives us another variation of the dark-clothed Kyle. He's sporting
*Sigh* I hate being the bearer of bad news, but first skins should almost never be sent in, MS Paint is just not a good program to make a skin, and a Superman skin isn't a new idea - there is a good