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Shroom\'s Deathstar

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-10-16 00:10:00
ShroomDuck is easily the best-known mapper in JK2. I\'m sure most everyone has played on ffa_tmbj at least once. Of course, Shroom had released many maps prior to that, such as the Clan WoV map, Hail the Boognish, and many more obscure maps. Well, it has been 11 months since we have seen work from the Duck. But now that JKA has been released, [b]the Duck is back![/b] And Shroom brings his personal vision of what the death star really should have been. Sit back, and enjoy the ride. As soon as you enter the map, you are greeted with a techno mix of Darth Vader\'s music. Somehow, the music fits the traditional Shroom style of... eclectic music. :D The main hangar area looks similar to that of the hangar area found in JK2, except this one has more goodies. For instance, in the middle you will find the Millenium Falcon. Look at the ceiling and you will notice a large tube jutting from the ceiling. It\'s a stormtrooper dispenser! It doesn\'t appear to serve any real purpose, but it is rather hilarious when you drop a stormtrooper over someone\'s head! Perpendicular to this module is a button that allows you to open the bay doors, and do some exploring on the outside. Not too much to see out here, but if you wait, you\'ll see a tie fighter drift past. :P Scattered about the rest of the maps are various control rooms, and down in the depths there is a generator room. Did I mention that this is Shroom\'s first star wars-flavored map for JK? If I didn’t know any better, I would’ve thought this was a default map that Raven made for JKA. But it isn’t! It is exactly how the Death Star should’ve looked and functioned in JK2. So nice to see the Duck back in action. I can’t wait for future map releases for JKA! Keep ‘em coming, Shroomer. :D ~Lord Griever~ [b]New textures – Yes New Music – Yes Bot Support – Yes[/b]
Ladies and gentleman, [b]the Duck is back![/b] Yes, you read right. If you don\'t know what Duck I am talking about, you are probably new to the JK community. Allow me to enlighten you.
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