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Team Fortress 2
Even Darker Player Models V2

Even Darker Player Models V2

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-01-19 03:36:39
  • Even Darker Player Models V2 Skin screenshot
  • Even Darker Player Models V2 Skin screenshot
  • Even Darker Player Models V2 Skin screenshot
  • Even Darker Player Models V2 Skin screenshot
  • Even Darker Player Models V2 Skin screenshot

Http:// ^spy (didn't have enough picture spaces for it sorry)

uh, made by Zephyrak of FPSBanana

Just select the folders of the classes you want and extract to:

C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\USERNAMEHERE\team fortress 2\tf\Materials\Models\Player\

If you don't have some of those folders then you should make one :D

contact me at if you have any suggestions of comments (or spam).

NOTES: In the pictures you may see red "stains" over most characters clothing, I have no idea how those got there but the models themselves ingame do not show them (or alot of it anyways),

Otherwise, enjoy my darker edition to my first set of skins, Simply Darker Player Models (which I think can be found through my profile). I suggest you use only one teams set of models, as both being pretty dark can be hard to discern in dark maps(if there are any...)

Some sidenotes cause I like to type alot: Scouts headset, top part of Pyros tank, Demoman and Soldiers grenades, all of these had orange/yellow marks on them, I decided to color them red/blue, after I did so the grenades became silver! I have no idea why, but I didn't bother to fix em.
