| Добавил: The DSystem 2016-01-18 22:14:16 92 views
Geo_x[mw] Team Fortress 2 "The Who Party Balloon replacement"
Since it's 1968 again[in TF2 time] I thought the Who was a good choice and besides it fit on the balloon, hehe!
The balloon is for the TF2 party mode only, to enable this in your server.cfg or listenserver.cfg add "tf_birthday" "1".
The same applies to this as anything I make, If one other person enjoys it as much as I, then it was worth the upload.
I for the most part, kept the directory structure intact, open the .rar file with a program such as Winrar.
and unzip/unrar to your Team Fortress 2 folder located in your Steamapps Folder
C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\SteamApps\your account name\team fortress 2 for 64 bit and
C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\your account name\team fortress 2. I used a pic from the Who's older era.
to coincide with TF2 era.
Long live Rock...I need it everynight!...The Who
You magnificent mutant bastages, I salute you!
...Sgt. Geo's Mutant Warfare Band!
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