Добавил: The DSystem 2016-01-18 19:27:45 121 view
Here's some classic Tfc flags ((Originally modeled, animted and skinned by Jman, JakeB. Click here to see their original release.))
Thanks to Jman and JakeB for allowing me to edit and release their flags.
Anyways, this is to go with all of the "Aperture Vs Mesa" skins that have been released for Tf2.
The model is animated, to it goes all wavy depending on how you move in the game.
It includes custom Gui images, showing where the flag is, and that you're holding the flag.
Model Created By: Jman
Skin and Gui edited in the Aperture Vs Mesa theme by: Amen
Animations By: Jake (Frostbite or FrostbiteX)
By the way, you cannot include this in a pack without first pming Jman, JakeB, and myself beforehand.
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