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Beta Heavy (model and all)

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-04-10 10:21:25
  • Beta Heavy (model and all) Skin screenshot
  • Beta Heavy (model and all) Skin screenshot
  • Beta Heavy (model and all) Skin screenshot
  • Beta Heavy (model and all) Skin screenshot
  • Beta Heavy (model and all) Skin screenshot
  • Beta Heavy (model and all) Skin screenshot

Beta recreation model (made from the gibs) of the heavy made by "neyo" freeman, and skin made by your's truly.

looks better with glove-less heavy first-person model: HERRREEEEE!!!!!!

this is the most accurate beta heavy due to it not using a separate head texture, and uses the beta model. this model is not compatible with custom skins because this skin does not use a second head model/texture.

NOTE: this might have some bugs, and stuff so please notify me of any bugs that you encounter, thanks :).

sorry for the wait, hope you guys enjoy.
