Добавил: The DSystem 2016-04-10 12:27:02 128 views So, I thought about the unarmed combat, then I had an idea. Swing a spy around instead of a frying pan.
Knowing absolutely nothing about how models work, this monstrous abomination of half shpee and half mann was born. It's as if he has taken control of their body to beat the living hell out of everyone with his fist. I figured this is funny as hell so I'll submit it anyways.
Viewmodel is severely messed up on medic, scout, and sniper. Heavy and soldier world model isn't affected too much because they are both larger. But dear god.... he even moves his face in sync with the classes. He doesn't have killstreak sheen, but he probably has uber.
I also made sounds for it. /go/3391.lnk
Place contents of folder into custom mod folder. Rate what you want, this is an absolute fail that I'm actually going to use for a while. Because, honestly, what's not funny about a spy running around beating the hell out of people with his fists?
Also, It's only visible with the pan out, and is also team colored.
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