| Добавил: The DSystem 2016-04-10 14:01:01 192 views Howdy,
after i finished up fixing The Full Frontal, Scruffy_ gave me an idea to do this one.
It has all the features of the frontal but i shortend it in order to prevent any confusion with frontal.
- port moves with every pump
- empty shells fly to the left
- shortend barrel and shell tube
(makes low ammo count more believable)
- pistol grip instead of full stock
- compatible with every frontier justice skin, as long as it is for no custom model
Known Bugs/Oddities
- none found so far but you're free to inform me, if you notice any
Final Notes
As always, i deny ANY requests, unless they're bug or game-crashing related.
You're free to change the model/texture and re-submit it on the banana on your own profile.
No asking for permission via PM required. Just do me the favor and mention me in the credits and we're cool.
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