Добавил: The DSystem 2016-04-10 12:44:27 165 views Fix #1: Different Arrows
The Fortified Compound uses the same arrow texture that the Huntsman does, so if you install a Huntsman skin that also re-skins the arrow, that same texture will end up on your Fortified Compound. This mod tells the model for the FC to use a different texture, so now you'll be able to have matching sets of bows and arrows.
Fired arrows will still use the Huntsman texture, though. Noting I can do about that AFAIK.
Fix #2: Unused Normal Map
In the game's files, there is a normal map for the Fortified Compound that isn't being used. Either it wasn't meant to be used or somebody screwed up, because $basemapalphaphongmask was left in the vmt. This mod enables the normal map and moves the alpha from the base texture to said normal map in order to preserve the phong mask.
tl;dr: You get a normal map. Yay.
If you're re-skinning this weapon, feel free to incorporate this along with it.
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