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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

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Team Fortress 2
Flare Gun
Betty and Becco,The FlareTwins

Betty and Becco,The FlareTwins

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-01-22 18:03:16
  • Betty and Becco,The FlareTwins Skin screenshot
  • Betty and Becco,The FlareTwins Skin screenshot
  • Betty and Becco,The FlareTwins Skin screenshot
  • Betty and Becco,The FlareTwins Skin screenshot
  • Betty and Becco,The FlareTwins Skin screenshot

I felt like making a TF2 skin, so I made one for the easiest-to-edit-textures out there, the Flare Gun.

I'm feeling kindof 'meh' about the whole thing, really. And probably wouldn't have released it if some people had said 'awesome' and 'do want'. But I digress. There's a story behind the names. I should have saved 'Betty' for a wrench skin, but I can still use it. aaanyways;

Betty was the name of a character from a story I wrote not too long ago, about a man who goes insane and visions of his wife (Betty ((he killt hur)) ) haunt his everyday life. He eventually gets taken by some frenchmen and blabhalblaablhalb.

Becco is just one of my good friend's nicknames. She's awesome, and coincidentally, a redhead.

Features: CrraaAAAAAzzAAAzy textures. Mostly blacka and white, except for some not black and white stuff.

Who am I kidding? Nobody ever reads these.

My thoughts: I enjoy TF2 texturing. I don't know why, I just do.
