Добавил: The DSystem 2016-01-22 17:50:39 114 views
The SapMaster X5000
The SapMaster X5000
Hello boys and girls :) I've been pretty bored these couple days and have done mapping way too much lately. So I thought I could try skinning. So I started looking around for weapons that could take little improving. I have skinned only couple models, so that's why I wanted something easy.
So, sapper seemed easy and I had so much ideas for it. just had to come up with a good name and we're done. So meet one of my first skins, The SapMaster X5000
Change list:
- New screen with power meter and with version and designer/assembler texts
- Old "Electro-Sapper" -text replaced with new "SapMaster X5000" -text
- Old orange wire recolored to red
- Texts for On/Off switches and for the big rotateable thing
That's all for now :) I hope you enjoy it as much I enjoyed making it
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