| Добавил: The DSystem 2016-04-10 10:31:20 139 views This is a completely redone custom model for the demoman of TF2, it is meant as a serverside skin but i will include a clientside model for people who want it.
whew! nearly 4 months to create this from scratch!
for mod devs
- might wanna hide rappy's stock melee when he has it out
Main features
- includes all new custom taunts
- works with all weapons
- most of the animations are there
- full custom rig with new animations to suit
- blending is not there at all, i don't intend to fix this
- highfive doesn't work, its bugged and i have no clue why
- flag drags on the ground, again i have no clue why (it worked when i tested locally though)
- the model size makes it so that the head/tail can stick through the walls
- weapons tend to fire from the incorrect position
- charge'n'targe is misplaced sometimes, this is an animation issue will fix eventually
Will the hitboxes work for clientside?
- of course not, nobody can modify the clientside hitboxes, this means it will most likely be inaccurate to what you see, however serverside version will have finetuned hitboxes
my [cosmetic item] doesn't work with rappy
- sorry to hear, but unfortunately there is little i can do about that due to the vastly different skeleton rappy uses for his rig
will it work with unusuals?
- yes and no, the hat unusuals will sit on rappy's hat while the misc unusuals will just float in the center of rappy
the skin isn't working!
- are you sure you have the right one? rappy clientside.vpk should be in the custom folder
can i use this on my server?
- yes you can! this skin was designed for serverside model changes (VSH, model manager, etc) just be sure to credit me please
will you be improving the animations?
- that is the plan, yep! :)
what program did you use to make this?
- i used blender for the animations and rigging and i use vtfedit and photoshop to do the textures and notepad++ to do all the text based stuff (qc,vmt)
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Raptor army of doom
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