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Lunar Memorial Flag

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-04-09 21:50:54
  • Lunar Memorial Flag Skin screenshot
  • Lunar Memorial Flag Skin screenshot
  • Lunar Memorial Flag Skin screenshot

Today, as of this writing (August 25, 2012), American astronaut Neil Armstrong, first man to set foot on the moon, passed away at the age of 82. For whatever reason, I felt compelled to make a small memorial of sorts... Even if it didn't turn out that great to me

First of all I apologize for having to be in a Mario Kart server for the screenshots. Was the only place someone would help me with it

Second, a very minor change, due to the flag looking too shiny I disabled phong. Hopefully will not be very noticeable

Third, this only affects the Buff Banner's flags. Not the backpack, or bugle. Nor does it change anything on the Battalion's Backup

Features a photo from National Geographic's website, with the text 1930-2012 and the quote "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind"

I know it's not normal to do this kind of thing but... I felt like it

And I know it would have also made sense to use an American flag but those already exist here. Many times over

Also before you ask, I'm using Beta skins
