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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

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Half-Life 2
Skin Packs
Various Fixes and Improvements

Various Fixes and Improvements

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-04-10 11:17:16
  • Various Fixes and Improvements Skin screenshot
  • Various Fixes and Improvements Skin screenshot
  • Various Fixes and Improvements Skin screenshot
  • Various Fixes and Improvements Skin screenshot
  • Various Fixes and Improvements Skin screenshot
  • Various Fixes and Improvements Skin screenshot
  • Various Fixes and Improvements Skin screenshot
  • Various Fixes and Improvements Skin screenshot
  • Various Fixes and Improvements Skin screenshot
  • Various Fixes and Improvements Skin screenshot
  • Various Fixes and Improvements Skin screenshot

This is a small pack that includes various Half-Life 2 fixes and improvements, ranging from map props to weapons.

What's inside more exactly:

  • Fixed Pistol Ejection bug. At a point in HL2's development, Valve accidentally removed the shell ejection of pistol's view model, while the shells can be clearly seen if an NPC is shooting with the USP.

  • Fixed Combine Thumper. This glitch affected all thumpers encountered during the night on the way to Nova Prospekt, more exactly, they were not glowing, while the ones encountered during the day do.

  • Fixed and improved AR2's world model. When Valve changed the world model of the AR2, it appears they never actually finished it. Interesting enough, if someone spawns the Incendiary Rifle in the HL2 leak, it's world model is much more complete and detailed than the final one.

  • Fixed AR2 view model. Valve didn't pay attention to certain details in weapon's creation. As a result, Gordon holds the AR2 in one hand, while no one else does.

  • Fixed AR2 distant/NPC fire sound. AR2's sounds are recycled from that of the OICW. Due to this, in the final product the NPCs still use the reload animation of the OICW, while the gun's reload system is actually automatic. Beside this, the NPC/distant fire sounds of the weapon are as well recycled from that of the OICW and therefore, they don't match player's/view model's fire sound. The distant/NPC fire sound fix is included.

  • Fixed HEV Suit. Since the creation of the Mark V HEV Suit, the arms' texture don't match the ones of the view model. It's been like this even in the leak.

  • Updated and added phong shading to the pistol, bugbait, S.L.A.M, Crossbow, and Stunstick. When the engine update was released (or even in Episode 2), not all of the weapons came with phong shading. As a result, these weapons looked like before the update. I added the phong shading to them, and they'll look fine now.

  • Fixed HL2 Skybox. This glitch made HL2 notorious. When the engine update was released, the skybox became broken. As a result, skybox' lightning is worse than before the update and starts to glitch when looking at it in different angles in certain chapters, most notably during Water Hazard. Moreover, the lightning of all maps used for the chapters between Highway 17 and Entaglement became corrupted. This resulted in being unable to disable mat_fullbright, and even if it was deactivated, the effects were still active. Oddly enough, this affects only certain video cards.

If you encounter the lightning glitch, the fix can be downloaded from here (given that this is a small pack that contains fixes, I didn't include this particular big fix):

  • Fixed RPG world model. The world model of the RPG was never changed during the development of the game, and as a result, the final RPG's view model doesn't match the one of the world model.

  • Fixed Episode One Vortex. In the Episode One map ep1_citadel_01 is a bridge you'll have to cross. However, that bridge is damaged and half of it is affected by the effects of a dark energy vortex that pushes the player from the bidge. After the update it's effects are too intense, basically, it's a very blue vortex, which wasn't like that before. The blue energy effect has been removed, and will look as it should now.

This is all that's included inside the pack. Like always, everything included inside works correctly, don't come with any glitches, and is usable in all HL2s and Source 2007 based mods, as well as pre-2007 Source Engine, but not Lost Coast.


Simply extract the materials, models, and sound folders in your steamapps/common/Half-Life 2/hl2 (or hl2dm, episodic, ep2)/custom/(folder name here).

This is all about this pack. I hope you like it, and have a nice experience with it.
