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Counter-Strike: Source
Weapon Packs
Default Animation Weapon Pack Version 2

Default Animation Weapon Pack Version 2

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-04-10 02:25:58
  • Default Animation Weapon Pack Version 2 Skin screenshot
  • Default Animation Weapon Pack Version 2 Skin screenshot
  • Default Animation Weapon Pack Version 2 Skin screenshot
  • Default Animation Weapon Pack Version 2 Skin screenshot
  • Default Animation Weapon Pack Version 2 Skin screenshot

Default Animations Weapon Pack
Version 2

This pack uses custom weapons on default animations. All materials folders are named appropriately like defaults for organizational purposes. Example: smg_mp5 and w_rif_ak47.


All weapons and world models
All VGUI pictures
Weapon names (to real names)


If you get an error about comdlg32.ocx download it here:

If you are afraid of the .exe, you can install manually by opening the "files" folder and then "guns" or "sleeves."


  1. Double click install.exe.
  2. Input correct directory to install the guns to.
  3. Choose "Install Guns" or "Install Sleeves."
  4. Use the two navigational arrows in the top left and right corners to select the different guns or sleeves. Go through the options clicking first on a model and then the skin. Some guns only have one model and one skin but you have to click on both anyway. A green box will surround the weapon choice once it has installed. You can view the skins (not models) by right clicking on them and clicking "View Larger." Click on the large picture to close it.
  5. You must select "No sleeves" from the "Install Sleeves" menu on the second page if you don't want sleeves. Gloves are also in the sleeves menu.

Important: Models will install as soon as you click them. Some models take awhile to install because they have a big file size.

You can choose not to install a model or glove by not selecting one and just hitting the right arrow.


AK-47 (AK-74)
Model: Twinke Masta
UVMaps: Twinke Masta, Pete (edits)
Skin: !NC! Furious, MoonSpoon, Millenia, Psychic Soldier (Edits), Twinke Masta, Darkelfa, The Expert, Pete
Previous compile: James, rfcbeach137, NCFurious, [Xero]
Sounds: Vunsunta

Model: Twinke Masta
UV: Twinke Masta
Skin: Marcius, Darkstorn, Rosa Jonas
Sound: Vunsunta
Previous compile: Marcius

Model: Sproily
UV-Maps: Twinke Masta
Skin: Sproily (Base AUG), Marcius (A1 Scope)
Sounds: Valve, Vunsunta
Previous Compile: Marcius

Model: Havoc
UVMaps: bullet_head
Skin: Birdhouse, Creeping Jesus, Kimono
Sounds: Vunsunta and Hk

model: Hav0c, Twinkie Masta, Lonewolf
Skin: Birdhouse (AWp parts), Thanez (scout parts), Geno (lens)

Model: se
Textures: Prod!gy, Stabs, Peacemaker, Spitz, Chimp
Previous compile: The Expert

Model: Hav0c
UV: Hav0c
Skin: the_tub
Sounds: Vunsunta
Previous Compile: DarkElfa

Model: Matrixed, Stoke, Anti-Death (edits), Stoke (grip)
UV: Matrixed
Skin: Kimono
Sound: Vunsunta
Previous Compile/Refmaps: Ellum

Model: Stoke
Uv-Unwrap: Bullet_Head
Skin: Kimono, Millenia, Insulaner
Previous Compile: Kimono, rfcbeach137
Sounds: Vunsunta & DarkElfa

Model: Spydr
Skin: !NC!Furious, Kimono
Sound: Sureshot & Vunsunta
Previous Compile: !NC!Furious

Model: SureShot and Twinke Masta
UV Map: Flamshmizer and Twinke Masta
Skin: Kimono, Twinke Masta, Cyper, FxDarkloki (Normals/Refs)
Sounds: Vunsunta, XLongWayHome
Previous compile: The End

Model: Schmung
Skin: Kimono, Splinter, NZ-Reason
Sounds: SureShot & Vunsunta
Skin Edits & Previous Compile: rfcbeach137

Model: The Spork
UVs: The Spork
Skin: Millenia
Sounds: Vunsunta
Previous Compile: James-

skin: SnipaMasta
UV maps: SnipaMasta
Previous compile: SnipaMasta
Normals: L0RDN00B

Five Seven
model: Lama, The Spork, Twinke Masta
world models, previous compile, and numerious fixes: Fxdarkloki
Skin: Flamshmizer, Fub
firing sounds: Fxdarkloki

G3/SG1 (PSG-1)
Model: Twinkie Masta, fallschirmjager, L0RDN00B (smoothing)
Skin: Twinkie Masta, Sproily
Sounds: FA team, fxdarkloki
Normal maps, Previous Compile: Xero

Model: Fallschirmjager
Skin: Pete
UV: Twinke Masta
Sound: Vunsunta/Valve
Previous compile: Mullet

Model: Darkstorn, Twinke Masta
UVMaps: flamshmizer
Skin: Darkstorn
Previous compile: Sober
Refmaps: Thanez
Sounds: VALVe, Vunsunta
Previous compile, smoothing, w-models, normals, buy pic: L0RDN00B

model: Silvio Dante
UV: Flamshmizer
skin: NZ Reason
sounds: Hk, Vunsunta, unknown (Xero's reload/draw sounds)
Previous Compile/ref maps: vagrant

model: Kimono
UVs: Kimono
Skin: Kimono, Creeping Jesus
Previous Compile: Xander
Sounds: Vunsunta

Model: Bullet_Head, Little Girl
Skin: Kimono
Sounds: Vunsunta
Previous compile: ReverendTed

Model: sHiBaN
UV: sHiBaN
Skin: Fub
Sounds: Vunsunta

Models: Anti-Death
Skins: DayofDefeat123
UVW Maps: Anti-Death
Sounds: Mullet
Previous Compile: skladfin

HE Grenade
Model: Version_2
Skin: Millenia, NZ-Reason
Previous Compile and Turbosmooth: vagrant

HE Grenade
Model: Havok101
UVmap: Havok101
Skin: el maestro de graffiti
Previous Compile and Turbosmooth: vagrant

Model: Havok101
Skin: Millenia, DarkElfa, Sh1fty, Pete (Wood Base)
Previous Compile: DarkElfa

Model: The Spork
Skin: DayofDefeat123
Previous compile/Reflection maps: Skladfin

Model: Twinke Masta
UVs: Twinke Masta
Skin : Thanez, Werd
Sounds: VALVe, Vunsunta
Previous compile : Mullet™

Model: Soul Slayer
Skin: Kimono, Thanez
Sounds: Vunsunta
Refmaps: SilentAssassin12
Normals: Twinke Masta
Previous Compile: Toxic Kitten

Model: Twinke Masta, Stoke (silencer)
Skin: Polygon, Twinke Masta, Stoke (silencer), Millenia
Refmaps: Millenia
Sounds: Vunsunta
Previous Compile: Sober

Model: Schmung
UV Maps: Flamishizer and Schmung
Textures: Geno, Acid Snake, fub
Previous compile: Reverend Ted and Coyote
World Model: Coyote

Model: Pete
UV: Pete
Skin: Enmity, Kimono, Millenia, Creeping_Jesus, DarkElfa® (Skin Edits),
Sounds - Vunsunta
Previous Compile\Normals - Marcius

Model: Ope
Texture: Kimono
Previous compile: Kimono

model: Twinke Masta
Skin: Geno, Stoke
Normals/refs: FxDarkloki
sounds: Vunsunta, Hk (Shoot)
Previous compile/normals: Pajama_Man
Previous Compiles/wees: FxDarkloki

Model: Short_Fuse (Base P90 & Rail Reciever), Soul_Slayer (Regular Aimpoint Reciever)
Skin: Thanez (Entire Skin), Enin (magazine edits), Stoke (Bullet)
Normals/Refs: Fxdarkloki
Sounds: Vunsunta
Previous Compiles/Minor Smoothing: FxDarkloki

Model: Short Fuse (P90), Snark (Sight), Hav0c (Scope)
Original sounds: The Anti-Pirate & Dr.Zoidburg
Previous compile, hack, conversion, wees, buy pic, & fire sound edits: Fxdarkloki
Skin: Cyper (p90), Pr0d!gy (Sight), Twinke Masta (Scope), Lonewolf (laser warning symbol)
P90 Reskin: DarkElfa
Various minor skin edits(splicing): fxdarkloki

P228 (P226)
Model: Schmung (Main Sig Model), Stoke (Grip & Mag)
Skin: Stoke
Normals/refs: FxDarkloki
Sounds: Hk (shoot), Vunsunta, Fxdarkloki (minor edits)
Previous Compile: FxDarkloki

P228 (P220)
Model: Twinke Masta
UV Maps: flamshmizer
Texture: the_tub
Sounds: Vunsunta
Previous compile: rfcbeach137

Model: Scout-Twinke Masta, Scope-Steel, Scope Ring-Soul Slayer
Skin: Scout-Thanez, Scope-Pete, Scope Ring-SureShot
sounds: Vunsunta

Model : Hav0c/Twinke/MrFriendly/Twinkie Masta (scope)
Skin: !NC!Furious/Twinke/FoxHound/VertThrasher/MrFriendly/Twinke Masta (scope)
Sounds: Vunsunta et al (not sure)
Previous compile : MrFriendly
Magazine: Rev Ted
Previous compile/smoothing/normals: L0RDN00B

Model: Hav0c (sg552), Soul_Slayer (bullet)
Skin: Twinke Masta (sg552), sureshot bullet
sounds: Soul-Slayer and DarkElfa
Previous compile: Sober
Previous compile/smoothing/normals: L0RDN00B
Acog model and skin: Twinke Masta?
Acog Smoothing, rear sight tweaking, Previous compile: Marcius

Model: logger
Skin: Thanez, The Expert
UVMaps: logger, LOOM, Twinke Masta
Ref maps: Thanez
Sounds: VALVe, Vunsunta, HK
Previous compile: Sober

Model: The Spork/Logger
Skin: Cyper
Sounds: Valve
Previous compile: Sober
Previous compile/Normals/Buymenu: L0RDN00B

Model: chrisART, LOOM (edits), Afterburner (silencer), Twinke Masta (bullet)
UVs: LOOM, Twinke Masta (bullet)
Skin: The_Tub
Sounds: Vunsunta
Previous Compile: Sober

Model: Will
UV: Flamshmizer
Skin: Wannabe, Thanez, Stoke (bullet), Kimono
Refs: Stoke
Sounds: Vunsunta
Previous Compile: SureShot & FaN_Only1

Model: Twinke Masta
Skin: The Expert, Cyper (Skin/Normals), FxDarkloki (Normals/Ref maps/Texture Edits), Hazik (Normal Edits)
Sounds: Vunsunta, Malignant
Previous compile: Unseen_1

Model: Lama
Skin: Kimono
Sounds: Vunsunta
Previous Compile: xander

Model: Millenia
Skin: Millenia
Sounds: HK, Vunsunta
Previous Compile: DeadPixel

Model: Twinke Masta
Uvmaps: Twinke Masta
Skin : Twinke Masta
Sounds : Vunsunta
Previous compile: FaN_OnLy1
w_models: DikFaic

Model: Anti-Death, Valve
Diffuse maps, textures and fabric, ERDL camoflages and MultiCam camoflage: Rosa Jonas
Normal maps, MARPAT camoflages, DPM camoflage, desert camoflages and ACUPAT camoflage: staknhalo
UVWs and colormap: Anti-Death
Hack/Previous Compile: The End
Lighting fixes: f8pc

Texture: Rosa Jonas (flesh: valve)
Paralex mapping: Staknhalo

VGUI Helmet and Kevlar
Skin: Sixtoes
Normal Map: Staknhalo

Compiling, lighting fixes, VGUI buy menu pictures, organizing, hand fixes: f8pc
Executable installer: Zhay
