| Добавил: Tiratore 2015-07-28 10:28:15 98 views
Code:Tac. Light Model & Skin: >.< candied_clown
Model: Darkstorn, Twinke Masta
Skin: Darkstorn, Twinke Masta , predaator
Anims: Havoc
Sounds: Vunsunta, Firearms(unsilenced shoot)
Compile: Predaator
Aimpoint Model: Twinke Masta
Aimpoint Skin: -Smokyjoe-
Flashlight Model: HeadShot
Flashlight Skin: Millenia
Silencer Model: Stoke
Silence Skin: Millenia
Vert Grip Model: Stoke (?)
Vert Grip Skin: SureShot
Skins hack: FaN_OnLy1
Model hack: FaN_OnLy1
Re-Compile: FaN_OnLy1
Its consistent with no server enforcing consistency.
Based on the twinkes & darkstorns G36, I am just posting it here.
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