| Добавил: The DSystem 2016-11-25 13:24:19 192 views Okay! Here it is!!
After quite 2 weeks i'm finally able to complete this but not yet fully completed.. Cuz i have some feelings that it might have some Bugs in it, But What-the-F**k-ever!!!
So Straight "What does it have?" :
- Bestest Animations From UncleGAY, KOPTER, HyperMetal
- Awesome Model By BrainCollector
- (Another) Awesome Textures by Boba Fett
- Nice Sounds By Strelok, Navaro, NightmareMutant, Se7enZero,%UNKNOWN%
- Particles too
- Shaders options are there ($Lightwarp and $PhongWarp) (I don't know if they f**ks up each other but it looks damn good)
- New W_ Model.
- And Some stuff that i hardly worked on and Forgot.. :p
Anyway Enjoy This, Some Folks have been asking for this so It was more of a Request..
Have fun (No Offence/Offense to Any Authors or to my Enemies out there) Well as they keep your friends close and enemies closer!
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