Добавил: The DSystem 2016-04-10 11:36:01 816 views From Crossfire.
The most-awaited rifle is here!!!! The M4A1-S Iron Beast. Good rifle rival to this one.
Here are the features:
- CF Animations (with melee for silencer animations) and Sounds
- Fast Reload (Just like in CF)
- Two Model Variants (Without Melee w/ Glowing Eye and With Melee w/ Moving Eye)
- Good Chrome Effect
- Glows in the dark
- CF M4A1-S Iron Beast Effects (Smoke, and Glow Beams, and Blue Rotating Circle)
- M4A1-S Iron Beast Buy Menu, Gun View and Kill Mark VGUI
- Low Ping Model (for Good Gaming Performance)
Don't forget to rate and download! If you want to be the first one who will download CF Guns and Characters, subscribe to me! ^_^ Enjoy and I hope you like it!
@zhu553272794 (AKA HalfLifeZM) - Thank you so much for this one! I owe you bigtime! ;)
P.S. - You're all free to put videos for this rifle! If you're experiencing problems on this rifle, please tell us and we will fix it for you ASAP.

CS 1.6 Version

CSO Version

Watch Here! <<< M4A1-S Iron Beast Video (including AK-47 Beast w/ Moving Eyes)
UPDATE > April 23, 2014 - Removed the muzzle flash in the Without Melee model. Please download this gun again to see the changes.
PREVIEW by DasLight
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