| Добавил: The DSystem 2016-01-22 17:22:10 124 views
Psychic Soldier, who has not been online for 2 years, made a SWAT pack, which included a CTU skin. Parts of this skin have parts of the CTU Skin, so partial credits go to Psychic Soldier. I tried contacting him, but, there was no response. I just wanted to make this clear. This skin is NOT AT ALL like Psychic Soldier's LAPD SWAT skin.
I have spend about 2 hours on this total, and I think that I finally have it perfect. It has a LAPD SWAT patch on the left shoulder, along with a rank patch. It has SWAT written on the back, and a SWAT patch on the breast pocket. The radios on the player are similar to Psychic Soldier's, only with a Motorola logo and other slight tweaks. Some of the body was from Psychic Soldier's CTU skin, but I also modified them. I actually think that my first player skin is pretty damn good. Enjoy!
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