| Добавил: The DSystem 2015-11-22 07:40:07 78 views
Finally it's done.
My another release :
The Lama and Milo's KAC PDW For CS 1.6
as usual, tell me if i missed someone for the credz
In this pack you will get :
3 Version of animation for V model. DMG's, DMG's Aimable, and ManTuna's Animations.
2 Version of Pee Model. Silenced (Preview), or Unsilenced (Preview). thanks to Silen'tM@n for making those pee(s). and also Wee r included.
Tan Textures as additional texture.
Buy Menu Picture by HanRay
Screens, Credz.
and uh, type "mp_consustency 0" at the console if the P model got consistency errors.
Critics are welcome, but not trolls, lolz. have fun :)
Looks Better In Your Own Screen
So don't rate and comment based on the screenshot, please.
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