| Добавил: root 2015-11-25 12:56:01 139 views
Finally, what you've all been waiting for. A good master chief for CS 1.6 :D. It has texture misalignment, couldn't fix it :(.
At first it was ported by Sparkwire for CS:S, then ported to CS 1.6 by Sh0n3x. Thanks to both of you guys for your great effort.
I don't know if it has consistency errors, type mp_consistency 0 just in case.
This is absolutely LEGAL!
Here is proof.
"This Counter-Strike player model was created under Microsoft's "Game Content Usage Rules" using assets from Halo 3, © Microsoft Corporation."
FYI. Submitted for Sh0n3x.
UPDATE: Sue12Bull gave a better render, tnx bull. Keywords: | |