Добавил: Tiratore 2015-07-01 09:53:41 128 views
I took the liberty to actually try to make them look like a semi-real branch in the United States Marine Corps, and I aimed to give them a MARSOC Operatives look. The standard skin both made them look like a military that isn't in the U.S. and an Army feel to it.
I removed the urban camo in favor of the desert MARPAT W/ velcro patches on the sleeve pockets. These people actually blend far much better than their default counter part. They're especially tricky to see in the Surface Tension levels, just how camo should work.
The tactical MICH helmets now sport the beige color. Textured in Velcro patches on them to put infrared patches like the flag, your ID badge number, blood type, etc. The medic's CoughCorpsmancough helmet has the white tape and red cross removed due to the fact Corpsmen in the Marines are dressed to look exactly like the rest of the Marines they're fighting along side with.
And sadly, there's nothing I can do to remove the beret in favor of either the Marine standard 8point field cap, a standard field cap, or even a tactical cap. So I just decided to give it a MARPAT texture and replace the beret's flash with the Marine Eagle Globe and Anchor.
C&C and enjoy. I'll most likely do another skin for BM:S really soon.
Uses default phong.
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