Добавил: Tiratore 2015-07-01 10:24:58 164 views
Well, it's safe to say this doesn't look like the other HEV Hand Recolor since this doesn't have the black areas on the arms, but I digress...
Tweaked the texture, hues, added a custom alpha map (that's why it's not as glossy as the original), tweaked the normals, my usual touch-up when it comes to these sorts of things
Use it if it appeals to you, if you, well, why are you here?
Note: If you only want the new gloves, but not the new HEV arms, simply don't overwrite hev_diffuse when copying to your BMS folder
although I can't say for sure it'll look neat since the default skin and this don't have the same alpha channels, but whatever floats your boat
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