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TF2 Sentries

Добавил: Tiratore
2015-07-01 10:35:40
  • TF2 Sentries Skin screenshot
  • TF2 Sentries Skin screenshot
  • TF2 Sentries Skin screenshot
  • TF2 Sentries Skin screenshot

This was done because I got bored while playing Black Mesa. Includes: -Custom collision model -Slightly modified TF2 sentry
-Original TF2 sentry texture (you can use custom ones if you want by replacing sentry1.vtf with your custom texture)
-Custom animations
-Custom sounds

Known issues:
Certain sentries on certain maps will have odd placement/be clipping into some things. Expect it to happen at some point. It has to do with the collision model being considerably larger than the original sentries (Don't worry though, you can spawn them using ent_create npc_sentry_ground).
The firing animation plays when tracking a target, so that will look a little weird. I can't fix that.
There may be a couple of smoothing errors; it has to do with using a lazy edge split modifier. I'll fix them later because I'm so tired of working on this model right now. The rear arm that connects the back end of the sentry to the chassis tends to look odd when it aims (it doesn't look very connected). Despite setting up IK chains for that, it doesn't seem to want to work. I'll have to look into it, but later.

Before you ask, no, I will not be making level 2 or 3 sentries because their dual Gatling guns will mess with the muzzle attachments. Plus, the level 3 sentry has a rocket launcher on it.
