Просмотры: 314
Загрузки: 70
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-a2k_aimskillz created by PhantomLord-
Yo, this is the 2nd map that i've created with
Valve Hammer for cstrike. This map is mostly for aim
and skill training with a lot of hiding places. There is a
secret to where an awp is but i dont think anyone will find
it :/. Have fun! Map is mostly for headshot training. Exp
will be gained.
Other Maps:
-a2k_aimskillz created by PhantomLord-
-Map might be bad for people with bad comps.
-Thanks to a2k server for hosting my map
and all a2k players for testing it!
-Dont like it Dont play it...
Aim- PhantomJamie
Email- JamesVarga@hotmail.com
mIRC- #a2k
-a2k_aimskillz created by PhantomLord-