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Map cs_jilem377 for cs 1.6

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=========== Jilemnice 377 ====== v77 Author: MIXER Email : Web : ICQ : 53 871 520 Ukol :3 hostage dovest do sracek :) Max 12 policajtu a 12 teroristu S touto mapou jsem zacal, je to mapa baraku kde bydlim .. a protoze jsem se na ni vlastne ucil ve worldcraftu a jeste jsem nevedel poradne co si muzu dovolit a co ne tak jsem ji udelal nechutne podrobnou :) ... a kdyz jsem zjistil ze je to tim nehratelny tak jsem ji odlozil. A ted jsem se k ni vratil a poradne promazal detaily a upravil !! Povedlo se to a je doufam hratelna !! :-)) Jen doporucuju, kdo ma pomalejsi pocitac aby se drzel uvnitr baraku nebo v nejvetsi blizkosti :( ************************* Co jsem upravil a smazal :( : 1.) Dva byty v polovine baraku 2.) Zabednil vetsinu oken 3.) Vymazal HODNE nabydku beden, srotu, ... 4.) Zavrel nejake mistnosti 5.) Odstranil nekolik dveri ************************* v Jilemnici 7.9.2000-25.9.2000 (priblizne 10 dni - okolo 150 hodin prace) dodelano na Strahove 2.4.2001-4.4.2001 (dalsich asi 30 hodin prace) a v Jilemnici do 3-5.9.2001 posledni uprava (Wc 3.3) ************************************* ********* English ***************** ************************************* Mission: take 4 hostages to shit :) Max 12 counter-terrorists a 12 terrorists This map is my first, it is the house where i'm living.. and because I was learning with Worldcraft with this map and didn't know what I can afford and what not, I did it nasty detailed :) ... and when I found it isn't playable on the score of this I took it off. Now I returned to it and properly rubbed details out and changed it !! It turned out well and is now playable I hope !! :-)) I only recommend who plays on slower computer to stay in the house or hardly near :( ************************* What I changed or rubbed out :( : 1.) Two flats in the half of the house 2.) Boarded most of windows 3.) Erased MANY of furniture, crates, scrap, ... 4.) Closed some rooms 5.) Removed some doors ************************* in Jilemnice 7.9.2000-25.9.2000 (about 10 days - approximately 150 hours of work) finished in Strahov 2.4.2001-4.4.2001 (next cca 30 hours of work)

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