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=========== Jilemnice 377 ====== v77
Author: MIXER
Email : D.kosacek@sh.cvut.cz
Web : http://mixerus.kgb.cz
ICQ : 53 871 520
Ukol :3 hostage dovest do sracek :)
Max 12 policajtu a 12 teroristu
S touto mapou jsem zacal, je to mapa
baraku kde bydlim .. a protoze jsem
se na ni vlastne ucil ve worldcraftu
a jeste jsem nevedel poradne co si muzu
dovolit a co ne tak jsem ji udelal nechutne
podrobnou :) ... a kdyz jsem zjistil ze
je to tim nehratelny tak jsem ji odlozil.
A ted jsem se k ni vratil a poradne
promazal detaily a upravil !! Povedlo se to
a je doufam hratelna !! :-))
Jen doporucuju, kdo ma pomalejsi pocitac
aby se drzel uvnitr baraku nebo v nejvetsi
blizkosti :(
Co jsem upravil a smazal :( :
1.) Dva byty v polovine baraku
2.) Zabednil vetsinu oken
3.) Vymazal HODNE nabydku beden, srotu, ...
4.) Zavrel nejake mistnosti
5.) Odstranil nekolik dveri
v Jilemnici 7.9.2000-25.9.2000
(priblizne 10 dni - okolo 150 hodin prace)
dodelano na Strahove 2.4.2001-4.4.2001
(dalsich asi 30 hodin prace)
a v Jilemnici do 3-5.9.2001 posledni uprava
(Wc 3.3)
********* English *****************
Mission: take 4 hostages to shit :)
Max 12 counter-terrorists a 12 terrorists
This map is my first, it is the house
where i'm living.. and because I was
learning with Worldcraft with this map
and didn't know what I can afford
and what not, I did it nasty
detailed :) ... and when I found
it isn't playable on the score of this I took it off.
Now I returned to it and properly
rubbed details out and changed it !! It turned out well
and is now playable I hope !! :-))
I only recommend who plays on slower computer
to stay in the house or hardly
near :(
What I changed or rubbed out :( :
1.) Two flats in the half of the house
2.) Boarded most of windows
3.) Erased MANY of furniture, crates, scrap, ...
4.) Closed some rooms
5.) Removed some doors
in Jilemnice 7.9.2000-25.9.2000
(about 10 days - approximately 150 hours of work)
finished in Strahov 2.4.2001-4.4.2001
(next cca 30 hours of work)