Dm- Intermission is reborn as Dm-Firepower. This version is better, with a much improved lighting and some tweaks in the layout. Bots do get the damage amp and the redeemer, so beware!
A small arena which was previously unreleased. Apparently I never released it when I stopped mapping in early 2002. I redid the lighting and tweaked the layout a little and released it. Look for more maps soon.
Medium sized map. themes; nature & metal. every weapon can be found, there are some hide/camp/snipe spots, no shieldbelt. In an impulsive mood i built this in 5 hours and i think its a pretty good map, exept the lightning. (sorry, im still adjust
This is an old "Funnel-map" I made a couple of years ago... At the time I thought it sucked too much for being on my or any other server... But then when my first "(euro)Hellfunnel" map got popular (overseas) I decided to upload this to NC3...