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Vehicle Detonators Umod

Добавил: The DSystem
2004-07-17 22:07:00
21 view
have you had a Leviathan, or some other devestating war wagon that you were afraid to leave behind? How many times have you needed to switch to something more agile like a Raptor or Manta but couldn\'t trust your teammates to take over your vehicle when you got out? Now you can arm its detonator and enjoy the satisfaction of knowing a new one will be spawning back on it\'s platform in a few minutes, and that your opponents will not be able to carjack it and turn it against you! You can also use vehicles in new and exciting strategies: leave a Goliath parked on a power node, arm its detonator and let its explosive strength tear the node apart! Or drive a Hellbender straight at an enemy base, arm its detonator and drive out, letting the vehicle\'s momentuum carry its devestating ticking payload into an enemy stronghold! [/quote] I saw this and said to myself. OMFG I NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED THAT!!! I will show those bots a thing or two about stealing my damn car. IT ONLY WORKS FOR ONSLAUGHT GAME TPYES AT THE MOMENT.
[quote] The Vehicle Detonators mutator adds a detonator to all vehicles. This adds a whole other level of fun to Onslaught games (or any other game type that includes vehicles)! How many times
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