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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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ONS-Toon Country

Добавил: The DSystem
2004-08-10 00:08:00
Cel-Shaded. IF you’ve ever played Zelda: The Wind-Waker you know the kind of style I mean. A friend recommended this map to me a few days ago and I can’t believe I haven’t seen this before somewhere! Seriously, one look at this and I was hooked. The island is so lush and green, and the sea so nicely done you could just stay in the level for ever and ever. That’s how nice this level looks. Sure, the Power Nodes and weapons can look a little out of place, but if you really find that as this map’s worst point then you haven’t got a very strong argument. So, after you’ve gaped at the screenshots for a while, ;) I’ll tell you what the map is like to play. It’s everything an ONS map should be, the Powernode setup works, the bot-pathing is reasonable, and the vehicles and weapons are all placed nicely. The only faults I can find with this map are as follows: Firstly, you can’t go into the sea due to invisible walls :( Secondly, if you go into the lakes on the land you blow up and die. I am really disappointed with this, I had hoped to go hide down there, but oh well… maybe for a v2? And that’s about the best description I can give. However before I leave make sure you check out the volcano, it looks really nice, as do the mountains… and... yeah, you get my point :D Oh, one last thing, there’s a small clipping problem around one of the rocks, I’ll mark it on my screenshot. Nothing to worry about though, it’s nothing major. ~Szico VII~
This map is one of a kind, and when i say that I mean it in a brilliant way. It's not one of a kind because its really bad, or because there's something in it that is so stupid, it's because it's
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