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ONS Falloutfield

Добавил: The DSystem
2006-07-30 00:07:00
themselves far underground survived the initial devistation. Once the humanoid\'s supplies were exhausted, they were forced to surface. Some died within days, others went completely insane before dying of their radiation burns, and there were the ones who lived on. It was a select few that saw the power of a nation waiting to be taken like candy from a baby. They remembered their past and how the support and loyalty of thousands had been the result of live blood sport. And so it was, FalloutField was constructed from the remains of a past long forgotten. The tribes of earth rejoiced in the games and for the contestants, it was an honor to die in any combat for their leader. The organizers of the Unreal Tournament got wind of the field from some low life bounty hunters (who else would be caught hanging out in the sh$t hole of the galaxy), they decided to contact the \"Leader\". Well lets just say the negotiations didn\'t work out, the tournament decided earth would be a nicer place without the inhabitants and so they crushed the humanoids of earth. Earth and FalloutField are now Official Property of Tournament. Welcome to the sh%tt%$st place in the galaxy, but WOW! I\'ve got to hand it to the earthlings for putting together one hell of a track. Enjoy just don\'t hurt yourself. A win here can put your team up big in the overall standings.
Set in a decimated earth civilization, FalloutField, is the result of a planet wide nuclear war that caused an extinction level event (E.L.E.) around the year 2012. The humanoids that buried
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