Title : ONS-CosimiaSE Version : 2.0 Author : Novakovic "LittleMOM" Momir Date : 25.09.2004 Filename : ons-cosimiaSE.zip Description : That`s relativ big Level with rocky Terrain and some great Static Meshes around Chang
In vast ice caves on an ancient frozen world, warriors battle for survival and control of the last remaining supplies of energy. You will need the ut2004-ECEBonusPack to play this map.
In the sweltering depths of a still forming world, warriors battle for control of unlimited supplies of geothermal energy. You will need the ut2004-ECEBonusPack to play this map.
ONS-DryIce-[ECE]-32p, changes from DryIce-[ECE] by kind permission of Kodiak. It includes tweaks for up to 32 players online: * one extra raptor at base (balances out the cicadas) * one extra manta at first node * new default node setup which pl
When this area was first discovered, it seemed lifeless and harmless. That first point is definately true, but that last one became known the hard way after two field-analysts accidentally got dissolved in one of the dark pools. The first step was ta