ONS-RangerMSU is the last version of ONS-Ranger. I released ONS-Ranger final recently, but due to complaints of framerate problems, I went back to the drawing board and upped the framerate by more than double in many areas. The level offers varied ga
"Lost on the desert moon Dreamus, both teams decide to kill time until the sun goes down and the winds pass." Dreamus is an atmospheric desert Onslaught map in a dust storm, designed for fast gameplay, and features 9 Nodes and many drastically dif
ReadMe for Dark Folly for Unreal Tournament 2004 ----------------------------------------------- Title: Dark Folly Filename: ONS-DarkFolly.ut2 Author: Chris "Crash24" Livingston eMail Address: crash24@planetunreal.com Release Date: June 14, 2
Acharit Hayami - The End of Days. Battle it out on an Earth ripped in half by the wrath of The Apocalypse. All of humanity is annihilated save for you and the chosen few. Do you wish to side with the Righteous to defeat the Horsemen and ensure t