Hi all and thanks for downloading my beta version for: UrbanWarfare! This map is like the official map Urban but with new buildings tha can be entered and cool mini bases with sandbags inside the ruble. ----------------------------------------
A thoroughly revised ONS-Tropic made to house 32 players. This map went through four beta stages on the Titan Internet 32 man onslaught server. It is tweaked to perfection with every conceivable bug eradicated, new textures, new flora & fauna, and ne
As the last of the 20th century cities is abandoned and cleared to make way for futuristic development, a new temporary onslaught arena is found before the demolition starts. [!] THIS MAP REQUIRES THE ECE PACK! ---- [ 1 - General Information ]
It takes place on a planet known as Flamboria which is part of an underground defense system for which King Mentor dwells. I wasn't sure if I would ever release it but I am thinking now why not? I am also the creator of Hollenberg for Call of Duty Un
================================================================ VER 1_3 only 1 modify in this version now can game this map in low or normal detail terrain ================================================================ Hoooo YEESS TH
In vast ice caves on an ancient frozen world, warriors battle for survival and control of the last remaining supplies of energy. You will need the ut2004-ECEBonusPack to play this map.
In the sweltering depths of a still forming world, warriors battle for control of unlimited supplies of geothermal energy. You will need the ut2004-ECEBonusPack to play this map.