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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Galaxy EVO

Добавил: The DSystem
2006-02-06 23:02:00
first ship to ever be able to separate into two independent sections, and reconnect on its own. As time went on, the ability to separate the saucer proved to be more of a curse than a blessing, since the saucer section could not go to warp, which meant she was an easy target if in a fire fight, and would be in great danger should the stardrive section need to be evacuated due to a warp core breach, since the saucer could not move away fast enough to escape the shockwave of the exploding stardrive. The Dominion War also proved that the Galaxy Class was slightly lacking in firepower. In the late 24th Century, after the Dominion War and additional confrontations with the Borg, Starfleet designers and engineers decided to begin designing a major refit of the Galaxy-Class, increasing her combat capabilities significantly, as well as equipping the saucer section with warp drive capabilities, modifying the stardrive section with variable geometry nacelles, 10 cm of ablative hull armor, incorporating the latest in computer technology, bio-neural circuitry, and scientific research technology, to compensate for the new design of the saucer section, and adding multivectral shielding. The U.S.S. Titan was ordered to be the testbed for this new refit, and after her shakedown cruise was successfully completed, Starfleet ordered all Galaxy-Class starships to undergo immediate refit to the new specifications, and also placed an order for new Galaxy Class ships of this design to be constructed. The new refit for the Galaxy Class enables her to continue her original mission of deep space exploration, but in a combat situation, she can hold her own with ships her size and larger, and can even outgun a Sovereign Class.
At one time the Galaxy Class was the flagship of the Federation. She was the largest and most advanced ship ever constructed at the time, with the main purpose of deep space exploration, and the
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