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Generations at War

Добавил: The DSystem
2005-08-23 22:08:00
Command #3 to either play on the SFC3net online server, online at Gamespy (provided your opponents also have this file installed), or single player. It includes authorized Taldren BETA materials, modifications to systems such as weapons, power, hull, scripts and executables. It also includes a large number of models available to each race. General model credits have been included in this Zip file; detailed credits can be viewed within each model folder. This mod was developed for a number of reasons and includes the following philosphies: First, it is designed for the trek fan. What I have done is try to reproduce as many trek cannon ships and those from other games as possible. Thankfully, the tools which Taldren provided to us serve us well in this case. As do the numerous ships which are out there by the modeling community which helps us tremendously. Whether its the K'Tinga class ship, the Connie refit or the valdore, I have tried my best to reflect what we see and feel during an eppisode. Secondly, I am trying to reconstitute some of the feel of sfc2 in arcs, weapons damage and history. One of the many things done right with sfc2 was the level of detail which came with the game. I have tried to establish when each ship came out for not only future campaign use, but to provide much of the history and back story which adds so much to the game. This beta will provide some detail, but as with all betas, I hope to add to the level of detail and number of ships. Finally, regarding racial philosophies is as follows: Feds-> well rounded, shieldy, power hogs and expensive. High end technology as well. klingons-> fast, light and manervable. Their ships are inexpensive and mass produced. This is in direct relation to their trek cannon history of being the old Soviet Union. Read in attrition units. Their weapons fire fast and recharge fast. They do not have the kick that Romulan or Federation ships have, however, they recharge much faster and are less expensive. Romulans-> Slow, heavy hitting ships with high technology. Fewer ship hulls, however, those developed are very, very effective. These are variations which i hope will bear out. Nothing is perfect, but this is an attempt to carry through what we see both in the television series and the flavor of the other Starfleet Command games. Please enjoy! --------------------------------------- Contents --------------------------------------- Read Me Installation instructions: PLEASE REMEMBER THAT THIS IS AN ENTIRELY NEW MOD AND THAT INSTALLING IT WILL OVERWRITE OTHER INFORMATION. Uninstall SFC3. Delete SFC3 folder. Reinstall SFC3. Install Beta patch 543/534b. Install Generations at War 2.0 mod. --------------------------------------- Dynaverse Connectivity Tips --------------------------------------- Hints to resolving drafting issues can be found at the taldren forum here: If you are behind a NAT or firewall, make sure that in your sfc.ini file that under meta you have (the xs represent your IP address). Ports which should be forwarded are: 47624 to 47624 TCP 2300 to 2400 Both 6667 to 6667 TCP 3782 to 3783 Both 27900 to 27900 UDP 28900 to 28900 None 29900 to 29901 None 6500 to 6515 Both 6073 to 6073 UDP 13139 to 13139 UDP Triggering ports: 47624-47624 2300-2400 6500-6500 If these do not work, please post on the forums and we will try to help you the best we can. --------------------------------------- Run gen1.exe file. Do not interfere until it is finished. When it's done, you're ready to play! Special note- If you have trouble with game startup, try deleting folder Activision/SFC3/Assets/Cinema. Some systems having a smaller amount of RAM will benefit from this. The deletion of the introduction movies means less RAM is taken up in the game loading process. Systems with problems with RAM over-write should be rebooted first. For further information, server rules, etc, please visit SFC3net at "", or our forums at "" Uninstall instructions: Simply run the SFC3 uninstaller and delete the sfc3 folder. --------------------------------------- Credits: --------------------------------------- Main assistants/ Team Paul "NannerSlug" Seale: Designer and Developer of the Generations at War Mod. (this includes sounds, music, models, balance, ship list, etc). Shane Tatum: The guy who started and lurks in the back ground. :) RatBoy: Ship Historys, Developed and Assisted Ship Reference. Also Developed SFC Time line (please check the forums at Ol Buzzard: Generations at War first fictional piece. Alec Theorhaven: Model Kit Basher and advisor. Mike Day: Rules and Server admin. Fluf: Server Technical Admin. Tie: Server Technical Admin and IOGC Support. Scripts are from: Taldren stock scripts, Micheal "Pelican" Pellington, Karnak and David Ferrell. Other Credits: I would like to thank the following for their help and inspiration: David Ferrell, for scaling models and writing a few scripts. :) his hard work and costant vigor. With him, trek gaming was constantly improving. Without him, it becomes stale. Thank you for all your help and insight into the game. Without it, Lord knows where any of us would be. He also has rescaled and made new hard points on a lot of the ships. THANK YOU! Chris Jones, for inspiration and helping out with a few of the break models including the Springfield, cheyenne, challenger and Niagra models. Atheorhaven for scaling the models, Kitbashing the TOS Akula, Niagra, New Orleans and Freedom classes. Ghislin Chabot, for getting me interested in SFC and teaching me many, many things including tactical strategy. Russell Longhurst, for helping me with this read me and developing/testing of the game. Durin, for keeping me in this game and guiding common sense. God bless the dwarves. Micheal Pelington for filling me in on how to add the dominion in and doing so much work and development that has gone unnoticed by many people. Scott Brown (Captain Korah), for laying the path for mods and inspiring us all to develope the game and share our vision. last but not least Ol' Buzzard for introducing me to trek a very, very long time ago. without that introduction to trek, this just wouldnt be happening. --------------------------------------- ERA SWITCHER --------------------------------------- C++ Programming Done by TraceyG (A HUGE THANKS!). Graphic work done by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale. --------------------------------------- Sound Credits: --------------------------------------- Some sound effects taken from Bridge Commander audio, from files available on BC audio given to Nannerslug by Chris Jones for use in the SFC3 Generations Mod in January 2004. Music comes from SFC1, Starfleet Academy (Ron Jones - the BEST trek game composer, period.) and Klingon Academy (Ion Zerr). --------------------------------------- Model Credits: --------------------------------------- WARNING If these ships are ported over to any other game platform other than Starfleet Command 1, 2, or 3.. permission must be gathered from original modellers and texturers. The New Orleans, Niagra, Freedom and TOS Aukla Models were done exclusively for Generations by Alec Theorhaven. If you desire to use these models, you MUST contact him. All other models you still need to contact the individual creators and provide them with credit for their work. --------------------------------------- Copyright and Distribution Permissions -------------------------------------- THIS MOD IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY ACTIVISION & TALDREN & PARAMOUNT PICTURES. Copyright notices: Star Trek, Star Fleet Command, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Voyager (and the various logo devices used in them) are copyright Paramount Pictures, as are the characters, related images, and sound from the productions. Most models I either found in the Dominion Wars mod by Micheal Pellington, TNZ by Scott Brown, or were on my hard drive. It should be noted that many of these models appeared in the first mod attempt by Chris Jones in December/January of 2002/3- and are done by MoonRaker, wicked zombie, dark drone, p81 or atrahasis. the kitbashes are made by the usual suspects of alec theorhaven, mackie or audril (plus a lot of other guys). Please see the notes below. They are not complete due to incomplete records. It should also be noted that for every single model in this mod I have personally checked/scaled the hard points, did the UIs, firing arcs, glows and scaling (and most of the damage textures). It is a slow methodical process, but the detail is important. Enjoy. Fed ships and cannon scaling formula: alec theorhaven (HUGE THANK YOU).Federation ships were scaled by Alec Theorhaven. A-K were scaled by David Ferrell. L-Z were Scaled by Paul Seale. Hard points A-K by David Ferrell. Hard Points L-Z by Paul Seale. --------------------------------------- Federation Ship Models --------------------------------------- Defiant Intrepid Excelsior Akira Nebula Galaxy Saber Sovereign Norway Pnuemonic 81, converted by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale. >Added Models: ****Akula Model: TMP era Federation Akula Class Destroyer Modeller: Mesh/Textures by p81/atheorhaven Conversion/Scaling: p81/atheorhaven Hard/Damage Points: p81/atheorhaven/Paul "NannerSlug" Seale Illumination: p81/atheorhaven Break Mod: p81/atheorhaven UI use for hp/dp: FDD/FDD+ UI, Glow and SFC3 Conversion: Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Akula TOS Model: TOS Federation Akula Class Destroyer Modeller: Lord Schtupp/atheorhaven Textures modified/added by Atheorhaven Scaling: Lord Schtupp Hard/Damage Points: Lord Schtupp/atheorhaven/Paul "NannerSlug" Seale Illumination: Lord Schtupp Break Mod: atheorhaven UI, Glow and SFC3 Conversion: Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Ambassador Original model by: Rick Knox a.k.a pneumonic81 Converted to SFC3 by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Aquino Retexture and glows updated by NannerSlug U.S.S. Aquino - Destroyer by Gabriel Crown "Mind-Blip" Converted by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Armada Modeller: p81/Mackie Conversion/Scaling:Mackie/atheorhaven Hard/Damage Points:atheorhaven Illumination:p81/Mackie/atheorhaven Break Mod:atheorhaven Converted to SFC3 by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Belknap This model is a kitbash of Pneumonic81's Enterprise-A model and textures, with a new secondary hull and textures for that made by me. Kitbasher/Modeler: Atrahasis Original Mesh and Textures: Pneumonic81 Converted to SFC3 by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Bismark, Lakota, New Jersey Model by Pneumonic81, conversion by Knox1711. Converted by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Centaur Dynaverse 3 server mod for The Neutral Zone 2.0 Developed by Scott Brown aka Captain KoraH This is a kitbash of P81's Excelsior and Odyssey. He has OK'd its release. Converted by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Chabot Mesh by P81, Kitbash by Knox1709. Converted to SFC3 by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Chandley model design : Original design by FASA using Paramount designed components textures : Primary Hull and Nacelle - Khaliban : Auxiliary Hull and additional tweaks to above - Jon Mount aka Destiny Calling mesh : Primary Hull and Nacelle - Khaliban : Auxiliary Hull and additional tweaks to above - Jon Mount aka Destiny Calling : Break Model - Atrahasis Damage textures and conversion to sfc3: Paul "Nannerslug" Seale. ****Challenger textures, mesh: p81 Kitbash: knox1709 Illumns: Atheorhaven sfc3 conversion:nannerslug ****Cheyenne textures, mesh: p81 Kitbash: knox1709 sfc3 conversion:nannerslug ****Chimera Textures, mesh: p81 Kitbash: NannerSlug, The Big Cheese. sfc3 conversion:nannerslug ****Chicago Model: TOS Federation Chicago Class Cruiser Modeller: Atrahasis/Lord Schtupp/atheorhaven Textures modified/added by Atheorhaven Scaling: Atrahasis/Lord Schtupp Hard/Damage Points: Atrahasis/atheorhaven Illumination: Atrahasis/Lord Schtupp/atheorhaven Break Mod: Atrahasis UI use for hp/dp: FNCA/FNCC Damage textures, sfc3 conversion: Paul "NannerSlug" Seale. ****Constant Modeller: p81/atheorhaven Textures modified/added by Atheorhaven Scaling: p81/atheorhaven Hard/Damage Points: p81/atheorhaven/Taldren Illumination: p81/atheorhaven Break Mod: atheorhaven UI use for hp/dp: FCA/FCL? SFC 3 conversion: Nannerslug SFC 3 beauties/glows: Nannerslug ****Constellation Mesh:MoonRaker Textures: P81 Damage Textures and conversion by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Constitution Lord Schtupps:mesh/textures format:sfc3 port:darkdrone Converted to SFC3 by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Curry Model design : paramount Textures : Cpt. LC Amaral Mesh : Cpt. LC Amaral Porting : Cpt. LC Amaral Packing : DarkDrone Beta Testing : DarkDrone Sfc Porting : Darkdrone pneumonic81 Converted to SFC3 by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Davids Model: Davids Class TOS Federation Heavy Cruiser Modeller: Lord Schtupp/Mackie converted by atheorhaven Textures: Lord Schtupp/Mackie Illumination: Lord Schtupp/Mackie Illumination:p81/atheorhaven UI and sfc3 conversion: NannerSlug ****Durrett Modeller: p81/Terradyhne/atheorhaven Conversion/kitbash: atheorhaven Hard/Damage Points:atheorhaven Textures: p81/Terradyhne/Pataflafla/atheorhaven Illumination:p81/Terradyhne/atheorhaven Break Mod:atheorhaven UI, some retexturing and conversion for SFC3: NannerSlug ****Enterprise pneumonic81 Converted to SFC3 by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale New Textures and illumns by atheorhaven using his own combine with those of High Higenfurst, Ganymede and p81. ****Excalibur Model design : paramount Textures : Cpt. LC Amaral Mesh : Cpt. LC Amaral Porting : Cpt. LC Amaral Packing : DarkDrone Beta Testing : DarkDrone Sfc Porting : Darkdrone Damage Textures : Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Galaxy Original Mesh and Textures: Pneumonic81 Illums: Atheorhaven Converted to SFC3 by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Dorsetshire (FDX) Taldren SFC2:OP model UI, some retexturing and conversion for SFC3: NannerSlug ****Federation Lord Schulp Converted to SFC3 by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Freedom Pneumonic81, KitBashed by Atheorhaven. Converted to SFC3 by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Kearsage Model: TOS Federation Kearsage Class New Light Cruiser Modeller: Atrahasis/Lord Schtupp/atheorhaven Textures modified/added by Atheorhaven Scaling: Atrahasis/Lord Schtupp Hard/Damage Points: Atrahasis/atheorhaven Illumination: Atrahasis/Lord Schtupp/atheorhaven Break Mod: Atrahasis UI use for hp/dp: FNCL Damage Textures/rescaling and conversion to SFC3 by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Lexington Model: Ironcross Class Heavy Dreadnaught Modeller: p81/Mackie/atheorhaven Textures modified/added by Atheorhaven Scaling: p81/Mackie Hard/Damage Points: atheorhaven Illumination: p81/Mackie/atheorhaven Break Mod: atheorhaven Damage Textures/rescaling and conversion to SFC3 by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Miranda Author: Rick Knox a.k.a pneumonic81 Illum maps by Atheorhaven Converted to SFC3 by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Miranda2/Lantree Author: Rick Knox a.k.a pneumonic81 Illum maps by Atheorhaven Converted to SFC3 by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Miranda3/Saratoga Author: Rick Knox a.k.a pneumonic81 Side Cannons by WickedZombie Illum maps by Atheorhaven Converted to SFC3 by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****New Orleans Pneumonic81, KitBashed by Atheorhaven. Converted to SFC3 by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Niagara Pneumonic81, KitBashed by Atheorhaven. Converted to SFC3 by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Nova Modeller Mesh : SkinMan Textures: by SkinMan Converted to SFC3 by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Oberth mesh, textures: P81 Converted to SFC3 by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale **** Odysseus (FDNH) Original Modeler: Moonraker, Pneumonic81 Original Textures: Moonraker Kitbash Modeler: Khaliban Kitbash Textures: Khaliban UI, some retexturing and conversion for SFC3: NannerSlug ****Okinawa mesh, textures: P81, Moonraker,Atheorhaven and Ductape wonder. Converted to SFC3 by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Prince of Wales/Excalibur (FCX) Author: Rick Knox a.k.a pneumonic81. Kitbash, Converted and retextured by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale, Alec Theorhaven and The Big Cheese ****Prometheus Author: Greg Strong AKA -L B- Email: URL: SFC3 Conversion : Chris Jones Damage textures and mod import by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Ragin Queen Model design : paramount Textures : Cpt. LC Amaral Mesh : Cpt. LC Amaral Porting : Cpt. LC Amaral Packing : DarkDrone Beta Testing : DarkDrone Sfc Porting : Darkdrone Damage textures and mod import by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Saladin A Franz Joseph Special for SFC2/OP The Saladin/Herme's Class Destroyer/Scout beta by The Stress Puppy Converted to SFC3 by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Soyuz Author: Rick Knox a.k.a pneumonic81 Back parts and Cannons by MoonRaker Illum maps by Atheorhaven Converted to SFC3 by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Springfield textures, mesh: p81 Kitbash: knox1709 sfc3 conversion:nannerslug ****Steamrunner Author: SkiNMan/A.H Email: IEMSCIFI@AOL.COM Converted to SFC3 by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Ulysses Mesh and orignal textures: Wicked Zombie Retextures: P81, Khaliban, Ducttape wonder, Klingon Fanatic, Ganymad Damage Textures and SFC3 Conversion: Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Yeager Author : Rick Knox a.k.a pneumonic81, Alec Theorhaven Damage Textures and SFC3 Conversion: Paul "NannerSlug" Seale --------------------------------------- Romulan Ship Models --------------------------------------- >Original Models: Rescaling and hard point changes by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale Bird of Prey Talon Falcon Raptor Warbird >Added Models: ****Battle Hawk Taldren Battlehawk converted and retextured by Captain KoraH July 12, 2003 Damage Textures and conversion by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Bright One P81 conversion by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Caracara Taken from Dominon Wars mod. No known Author. Damage Textures, retexture and conversion by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Condor unknown Damage Textures and conversion by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****War Eagle Taldren model conversion by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Firehawk model:thu11s Damage Textures and conversion by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Griffin modeler/converted: DARKDRONE KITBASH TEXTURE AUTHOR:DARKDRONE TEXTURE ENHANCEMENTS: CLEEVE Damage Textures and conversion by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Heron Captain KoraH July 12, 2003 Damage Textures and conversion by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Kestrel unknown Damage Textures and conversion by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Gallant Wing p81, Damage Textures and conversion by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Hawk Stock taldren Ship slightly retextured by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Killerhawk from SFC2:OP. Thu11's Firehawk Damage Textures and conversion by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****King Eagle Taldren Romulan War Eagle conversion by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Melak Ship designed by: Somebody from ST:New Worlds Texture: Solid Snake a.k.a GrayFox ( Textures: DarkDrone A.k.a Darkmatrix Damage Textures and conversion by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Nierrh Model: Don Woligroski (A.K.A. - Cleeve) Textures: Cleeve (From renders of Nico Weigand's 3d model) Damage Textures and conversion by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Osprey Original Modeler: Thu11s Original Textures: Thu11s Damage Textures and conversion by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Phoenix unknown Damage Textures and conversion by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Raven ORIGINAL MODEL AUTHOR: Activision ORIGINAL TEXTURE AUTHOR: Activision modeler/converted: DARKDRONE Damage Textures and conversion by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****King Condor Taldren SFC2 Model Converted to SFC3 by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Romulan Type K Refit Author: Thexder Bayes a.k.a Atrahasis, Moonraker, Rick Knox a.k.a pneumonic81 Converted to SFC3 by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****KR, DKP Author: Desty Nova. Scaled, converted and damage textures: by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Sea Hawk unknown. Damage Textures and conversion by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Shrike Stock taldren Ship slightly retextured by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Snipe Taldren RFR model Damage Textures and conversion by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Sparrow Hawk and Sparrow Hawk J Original Modeler: Thu11s Original Textures: Thu11s Converted to SFC3 by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Thrush Author: Lord Delekhan Damage Textures and conversion by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Valdore Model: Romulan Valdore Class Modeller: Howedar Textures: Redragon Conversion/Scaling: Darkdrone Hard/Damage Points: Taldren/Darkdrone Illumination: Redragon Break Mod: Darkdrone UI use for hp/dp: FCL Email : url : Please do NOT convert this ship to any other game with out permission of of STHW lead - Dolphoenix - Damage Textures by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****White Wind P81 Damage Textures and conversion by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Winged Defender p81 Damage Textures and conversion by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Wren Taldren RDX model from SFC2:OP. Conversion by Captain KoraH July 12 2003 Damage Textures and conversion by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Z-1 Nova P81 Damage Textures and conversion by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale --------------------------------------- Klingon Ship Models --------------------------------------- >Original Models: Fek'lhr Negh'var >Added Models: Bird Of Prey/ Kvort Pneumonic81, Converted to SFC3 by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****c-28 Taldren Negh'var kitbasth and conversion by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****B-11K Taldren SFC2/OP Model Converted to SFC3 by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****B-22 Bird of Death model author: Don Woligroski (A.K.A. - Cleeve) Damage Textures and conversion by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****C-5 SuvwI’ QeH Author: WickedZombie45, SFC3 Conversion: NannerSlug **** C-7 and C-6 Model Author: Atra-Hasis Based on parts and textures by: Moonraker Illumination and Break Mod: Wicked Zombie Damage Textures and conversion by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****C-9 Author: WickedZombie45 Scaled and Converted for Generations at War mod by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****C-16 & 19 Author: WickedZombie45 KitBash for Generations at War mod by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****C-25L Volkoth Unknown Damage Textures and conversion by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****D-3 This Ship was created by Jeff Wallace ****D-3, D-4 and D-5 Mesh and Textures: Desty Nova Damage Textures and conversion by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****D-5W Atra-Hasis Damage Textures and conversion by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****D-6 Model Author: Atra-Hasis Using parts and textures by: Pneumonic81, Moonraker Illumination and Break Mod: Wicked Zombie Resized by: Hollis J. Wood Damage Textures and conversion by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****D-7 Mesh reworked by Lansing (Mike Callahan) Textures by Lansing Design advice, HEAVY research and additional textural work by Brian Zinkle, Ghost and Anduril. Converted to SFC3 by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****D-7L and D-7W Model Author: Atra-Hasis Using parts and textures by: Pneumonic81, Moonraker Illumination and Break Mod: Wicked Zombie Converted to SFC3 by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****D-10 Atra-Hasis Converted to SFC3 by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****D-16 & 17 Mesh and textures by p81. Damage Textures and conversion by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****D-21 Unknown Damage Textures and conversion by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****D-24 Kitbashed from Taldren Orion Pirates Klingon Destroyer model Damage Textures and conversion by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****D-38 Author: Original Model & textures by Don Woligroski (A.K.A. - Cleeve) Kitbashed and converstion by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****D-50 Author: Original Model & textures by Don Woligroski (A.K.A. - Cleeve) Damage Textures and conversion by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****F-5 Original Mesh and Textures: Desty Nova KitBash, Damage Textures and conversion by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****K'T'Inga Atra-Hasis Converted to SFC3 by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****K-6 Captain KoraH Damage Textures and conversion by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****K-23 This model was highly modified from it's original form - Captain KoraH Original Pneumonic81 Damage Textures and conversion by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****K-30 Kitbashed from Taldren Orion Pirates Klingon Destroyer model Damage Textures and conversion by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****L-9 Model Author: Don Woligroski (A.K.A. - Cleeve) Damage Textures and conversion by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****L-24 Author : Speaker for the Dead Damage Textures and conversion by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Vorcha: Original Model & textures by Cleeve (A.K.A. - Don WOligroski). Texture recreation by: Harry Finch. Hard point, break model and Generations at war conversion: Paul "NannerSlug" Seale. --------------------------------------- Dominion ships --------------------------------------- ****Breen BCH ****Breen CA ****Breen CL ****Breen DD ****Breen DN ****Breen FF These ships are custom kitbashes of the Breen Warship. By Redragon (Luan Ngo) ****Brinok ST Armada2 model touchup textures:darkdrone port/kitbash:darkdrone ****Cardassian Orbital Defence Platform Modeller: Redragon Conversion/Scaling: Kane Anuenue ****Cardassian Starbase ? ****Cardassian Staryard Original ST Armada2 model sfc:op version:darkdrone ****Cardassian Base Station OriginalST Armada model touchup textures:darkdrone port/kitbash:darkdrone **** Cardassian Freighter Author: Michael Frederick (aka Zorg) Model Credits: 100% original textures, front of ship, mesh by Maggot ****Cheetah SFC2 model Converted for SFC3 by Nannerslug ****Dragon SFC2 model Converted for SFC3 by Nannerslug ****Galor Author: Michael Frederick (aka Zorg) Developed by Scott Brown aka Captain KoraH for SFC3 ****Galor Hybrid Author: Bridge Commander ship Converted by Micheal Pellington Scale, hard points, glows and break model by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale. ****Hideki Author: Michael Frederick (aka Zorg) Developed by Scott Brown aka Captain KoraH for SFC3 ****ISC FF ****ISC DD ****ISC CL ****ISC CA ****ISC DN SFC2 model Converted for SFC3 by Nannerslug ****Janissary ? ****Jem'Hadar Battlecruiser/ Battleship ST armada original modeler/converted: DARKDRONE KITBASH TEXTURE AUTHOR:DARKDRONE Developed by Scott Brown aka Captain KoraH for SFC3 ****Jem'Hadar Fighter ? ****Jem'Hadar Heavy Cruiser Original model from ST Armada texture: TheF0rce modeler/converted: DARKDRONE KITBASH TEXTURE AUTHOR:DARKDRONE ****Keldon Author: Michael Frederick (aka Zorg) Developed by Scott Brown aka Captain KoraH for SFC3 ****Kimal Author: Michael Frederick (aka Zorg) ****King Cobra SFC2 model Converted for SFC3 by Nannerslug ****Komodo Dragon SFC2 model Converted for SFC3 by Nannerslug ****Kulinor original model from ST Armada2 touchup textures:darkdrone port/kitbash:darkdrone ****Lakat (kitbashed from Hideki) Author: Michael Frederick (aka Zorg) Kitbasher: Scott Brown (aka Captain KoraH) ****Legate original ST Armada2 model touchup textures:darkdrone port/kitbash:darkdrone ****Leopard SFC2 model Converted for SFC3 by Nannerslug ****Lion SFC2 model Converted for SFC3 by Nannerslug ****Netel (original BotF model?) converted byCaptain KoraH ****Panther SFC2 model Converted for SFC3 by Nannerslug ****Rasilak original model from ST Armada2 touchup textures:darkdrone port/kitbash:darkdrone ****Reptilicon SFC2 model Converted for SFC3 by Nannerslug ****Sartan original model from ST Armada2 touchup textures:darkdrone port/kitbash:darkdrone ****Tiger SFC2 model Converted for SFC3 by Nannerslug ****Vasad original model from ST Armada2 touchup textures:darkdrone port/kitbash:darkdrone ****Veracidor Author: Michael Frederick (aka Zorg) ****Viper SFC2 model Converted for SFC3 by Nannerslug --------------------------------------- The following ships from SFC2 have been converted for use for SFC3, with glows added by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale: ****Hydran: Hunter Knight Apache Lord Bishop Paladin ****Lyran: Cheetah Leopard Panther Tiger Lion ****Interstellar Concordium: Frigate Destroyer Medium Cruiser Heavy Cruiser Dreadnought ****Mirak Frigate Destroyer Medium Cruiser Heavy Cruiser Dreadnought ****Pirate Destroyer Heavy Cruiser Advanced Cruiser Dreadnaught ****Federation Freighter ****Romulan Freighter ****Klingon Freighter ****Doomsday Device monster ****Crystalline Entity monster no credit- possible ST Armada model ****Space Amoeba monster model for ST Armada modified by Atheorhaven **** Andromedan and Tholian ships: SFC Andro models Mesh:Taldren Textures:Taldren 3DMAX TO .MOD: Darkmatrix Frigate: Converted from Klingon Academy to SFC by Darkdrone. Retexture work by Klingon Fanatic. Additional lighting by Joker. All ships: Damage textures, glow and conversion to sfc3: Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Kareman Trader Mesh: Desty Nova Textures: Desty Nova Converstion for SFC3 (glows, hard points, ui, damage textures): Paul "NannerSlug" Seale ****Elasi Heavy Cruiser Model: TOS Elasi Heavy Cruiser Modeller: Cleeve/Sandman3d/atheorhaven kitbashed by atheorhaven Textures: Cleeve/Sandman3d/kingconstantine/atheorhaven Illumination: Cleeve/Sandman3d/kingconstantine/atheorhaven UI use for hp/dp: KCA Hardpoints and conversion for SFC3: Paul "NannerSlug" Seale --------------------------------------- These ships were partly converted first from Klingon Academy to SFC2 by Terahdyn's misc ship yards. Paul "NannerSlug" Seale finished the conversions for sfc3 by adding both the break model, damage textures, scaling, hard points and illums (basically everything but the initial textures and mesh). Atheorhaven redid and applied the Illum textures. ****ShakurianFF ****ShakurianCL ****ShakurianCA ****ShakurianDN --------------------------------------- LEGAL --------------------------------------- This Mod and server conatins BETA unreleased material which is protected by the initial install End User Licensed Agreement of Starfleet Command III. Licensed material included in this Mod is not authorized by Taldren or Activision to be stripped, reverse engineered and inserted into nonauthorized materials as such uses are considered to be illegal. This Mod is authorized by Taldren for use in Single Player, Multi Player and the Server in which it was developed to be used with. Material used outside the specifications listed or reverse engineering can result in penalties such as IP address banning from Dynaverse, Banning from Taldren Forums, Computer and Software Confiscation, Federal Copywrite Infringement Lawsuit charges with punishment including a fine not to exceed $250,000. Please use this mod for only the purpose intended. This notification is defined as a Non Disclosure Agreement. Balancing issues, graphical issues such as UI placement or locations of where the weapons fire is considered to be public information and can be posted in public.. hard coded material such as map item interaction, etc, which are unchangable by the Server Admin is considered private information and can only be discussed via Email with any Taldren Beta Test member, Taldren Admin Staff, or the Server Administrator and is not to be posted in any forum that is accessable to the public, whether of not the forum is public or private. Game bugs found when using should be Emailed to the creator of the mod or posted on their forum only due to this being an Unreleased Test Build covered with this NDA. Since this is a Mod, Certain components are licensed material. Components that are not licensed IS NOT MADE OR SUPPORTED BY ACTIVISION OR TALDREN. Please check with Server Admin about which components are Licensed and which are not. Clicking below agreeing to install, you are bound to the terms as stated and covered and you are bound by NDA until such time as the licensed material is released publically by Activion or Taldren or Notification that NDA has been lifted. YOU WILL NOT ATTEMPT TO RESELL OR REDISTRIBUTE ANY PART OF THIS MOD AND WILL CONTACT INDIVIDUAL MODELERS FOR PERMISSION TO USE THEIR WORKS.
Read Me for SFC3net Generations at War 2.0 --------------------------------------- Introduction --------------------------------------- This is a file designed to install files into Starfleet
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