=/=---------------------------Atlantis---------------------------=/= =/=-------------------------Surak Class-------------------------=/= ====----------------------------Readme----------------------------==== Well, here it is.
This is a good manuverable ship for the borg that held it's own against a Galaxy class ship when I played earlier. I increased the weapons for the intrepid class because Voyager always seemed like
there is three versions of the ship in this zip, two for a2..a high and a low poly version and an a1 version the following install-instructions are for a2, the instructions for a1 are similiar, but you need to own odf
well.. i saw this model on www.fleetyards.com and i thought it would look great in ARMADA, so i converted it.. there is allready an arcadia made by chakotay a while ago...the arcadia in this file is compa
This was my first model, so don't expect too much.. it was made with a milkyshape tutorial from AFC ( btw.. thanks to Major A Payne ) the mesh is totally by me, the texture is from the tutorial..it is said it was made by "E&F