Read-me: Earth Defence Platform ---------------------- Legalese ---------------------- Disclaimer: I didn't make Star Trek Armada II, nor the mod that this is based off of. All copyrights reserved and all that c***, you can't sell this to any
To whom it may concern, Okay, enough of that. Anyway, install both mods or the Omega tactical fusion cube and the Ultra fusion cube will not work. There are readmes for each mod in their respective folders. Enjoy! Dragon Master. Omega Ta
Advanced And Unincluded Technologies Pack by Sherman2 This is a pack of equipment the wasn't used or never included in the game bshieldbust.odf = Borg Shield Breaking Torpedo snipe.odf = Extreme Range Phaser gprobe.odf = Probe Launcher gcobre
Hi, this map pack consists of the following 3 maps: 1st: A modified "Fluidic Space with Resources" map from "John's Ultimate Map pack" with new 7 player option and a very hard AI 8472. 2nd: A modified "Badlands" map