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Weapons Management with the Mouse

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-12-02 23:12:00
weapon RMB – Pull out a grenade Roll mouse wheel up – Pull out your submachine gun/primary weapon Roll mouse wheel down – The first time you roll this down you get your “first special” weapon. Medics get a needle; Lieutenants get air strike smoke; Engineers get the dynamite. The second time you roll it you get the other special item: a medic/ammo pack or the engineer tool. The script works in this fashion because you may need the needle or airstrike instantly to deal with a situation, but the secondary functions are usually used when you have a split second of breathing space. Click scroll wheel – Toggle crouching on/off. This button could easily be set to reload your current weapon, but I crouch often enough that I wanted that function readily accessible. Ideas for Expansion: If you wanted to get fancy, this could be combined with a class-selector script to further customize weapons commands based on class. For example, the scroll wheel down functionality could vary for soldiers (pull a pistol for panzerfaust users, adjust sniper zoom when equipped with a mauser, etc). Additionally, you could configure the “pull grenade” command to chat a warning to your team, (Heads up! I’m priming a GRENADE!) but that could result in a lot of false warnings and end up being quite annoying.
This weapons management script uses all the functions of a scroll wheel mouse to the maximum for weapons control. It is a short script and it is easy to install. LMB – Fire selected
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